Greetings to you all. I hope my report finds you well.
Am sorry to delay to give you my report for April in time. I have decided to combine a report for April and May.
Attached are also photos for some pastors taken at leadership seminar
The wet season is over and farmers are harvesting. The majority of farmers have harvested very little than they anticipated. However, we are so thankful of the little we harvested because some people have harvested nothing due to insufficient rain and swarms of birds. We are looking forward to our Lord’s daily provision.
Now that the wet season is over, we resumed our mission programs in April. This month was a bit congested with conferences. We had Men’s Conference in Binga. It was successful conference though it was attended by a few men, only 30 attended. We had great lessons and discussions on “The Church on Purpose.” It was indeed important for us to be reminded or know that the Church exists to fulfil its God-given purpose here on earth. We experienced new zeal and recommitment to diligently and purposefully work for our Lord in our Churches and outside the Church.
Also we had Youth Conference at Siachilaba. We had about 200 youths from all over our Churches in Binga. It was good to meet with zealous and energetic youths for the Lord. Our young men and women really like singing with musical instruments. They say, “Forgone are the days when our grandparents used to sing for the Lord without musical instruments.” They really enjoy singing and dancing for the Lord. They were also very receptive to the Word of God. I believe they will not only be good Christians but also good and responsible citizens of Zimbabwe. Five youths surrendered their lives to Christ and 4 were baptised. The other one was to be baptised later as he got committed with other activities at home while others were baptised. During the evening services came a group of non-Christian youths with an intention of causing disturbances. They were unfortunate because they received necessary discipline from the police force. I hope we are going to have peaceful meetings next time.
There was National Women’s Conference at Somabhula on the 26th to 29th of April. We are happy that our ladies were able to attend this important national conference. It takes a lot of arrangements; time and money attend a far away conference. I am glad they were successful anyway. We received good reports about the conference. They were over 700 women from all over regions. My wife was so excited to see the Campbells at the conference. They last saw each other in America.
It has become a tradition that every May we should have Leadership Seminar. It was good to have pastors and their wives to attend such an important seminar as from 15 to 19 May. Our first day was committed to praying and fasting. It was good to pray for our international friends, Churches and of course our current political situation in Zimbabwe. We are heading towards Harmonized elections; therefore, it is our prayer that we have at least a free, fair and creditable election for the first time in the history of Zimbabwe. We had three days of intensive learning and discussions. I was teaching on “Pastoral Care Emergencies.” There was active participation in our small groups where pastors were sharing their progresses in their Churches. It was so encouraging that some were really doing very well. Some are in the process of building Church structures despite of turf economic situation in the country. I and my family were glad to distribute clothes to all of our pastors and their wives of which they were very appreciative. It is our prayer that if our support continues and increases, we will do more to our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry, please make your donations to:
Jill Hartzell: Email:
Good Neighbor Network
2445 SW Crestdale Dr
Portland, OR 97225.
In His Service