From the email archives
August newsletter 2014
Friends in Christ
We had our August Annual Conference from 21st to 24th. This big conference is attended by all of our Churches in Binga and from other Districts. 28 Churches successfully attended the conference. A few Churches failed to attend it due to transport unreliability in the remote areas.
Sometimes managing and feeding many people is hard. We slaughtered 24 goats to feed 649 registered people. We had bread and tea for breakfast instead of porridge. We had greatly improved on food. This year I did not hear people complaining of stomach pains. Hopefully next year we shall have quality food such as pizza for everyone!!
We had John Sandu, Pickson Mumpande, Lameck Mudenda and Alec as our main speakers. I thank the Holy Spirit for speaking through these men. They had inspiring lessons. I could tell that people were so blessed through their remarks and confessions. One old man, in his seventies, stood up and confessed that he was a witch. Everyone was shocked. Witchcraft is strictly private. In Zimbabwe, it is against the Law to accuse someone of witchcraft because it cannot be proved. The old man, convicted by the Holy Spirit, publicly confessed his witchcraft for the deliverance of his soul. He had guilt conscience and uncertain if God would forgive him. He regarded his sin as the worst sin. I and John took him for counseling and showed him God’s word. He was glad to learn that Christ came for sinners and died for them on the cross.
At this conference 11 people accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Also God demonstrated His healing power. Mr Mudenda got seriously sick of Malaria. He unconsciously fell on the ground. Some men came and carried him to a private place and began to pray for him. He gained his consciousness and was advised to go to the clinic, but refused and believed God would heal him. Indeed, God healed him according to his faith. Also, demons were cast out in the mighty name of Jesus.
On the 25th of August, I headed home to be with my brothers. I visited many relatives and enjoyed talking to them. Early in the morning I would wake up and go to the Kraal to see my cattle. It was interesting to see all the cattle come and lick my hands. Two cows have calves and that means I have milk. Also six goats have kids. They are all healthy despite of drought. I have only one sheep which is pregnant. I am expecting a kid in a couple of months.
On the 28th of Aug to 1st September I attended another conference. The Ba-Tonga Christian Mission invited me as one of their Guest Speakers. They had invited the Zambians too. They are so gifted in singing. I got so blessed by their singing. Besides preaching, I also led discussions with the Youths. As we continued with discussions, I learned that Zambian girls can be married at an age of 13. We told them that it is a serious offence in Zimbabwe to marry a 13 year girl. In Zimbabwe a person is considered to be an adult at an age of 18.
I had counseling session with one of the Zambian preachers. He had been involved in the pastoral ministry for many years and encountered many challenges. As I listened to his stories, I encouraged him to be prayerful and learn to trust God in all circumstances. Everything is possible with God if we trust Him.
On the 4th of Aug I had an opportunity to visit the Hwange Prison. I did not go in the Cells to preach, but I was taken to the garden where I met many prisoners and a few Officers. The prisoners were watering the garden with a few watering cans. I noticed that they were watering in turns. I asked why they were watering in turns. They said the prison had a few cans. They asked me if I could donate watering cans. Unfortunately, I could not, but I donated a variety of garden seeds which they appreciated most. I told them they need to thank brother Jim Fitch and family who sent me lots of seeds. Some of you might wonder whether I am beginning a prison ministry or not. I was just prompted by Jesus’ words as I read in Matthew 25:43 which say, “I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”