Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
March-April Report 2015
March-April Report 2015

March-April Report 2015

From the email archives

March-April newsletter 2015

March – April Report.

Dear Co-workers

We had our annual Men’s Fellowship gathering on the 26th to 30th of March. This gathering is attended by all of our men from our Churches. About 30 men attended the conference. Some men were unable to come because most of them were looking after their domestic animals. Usually kids look after animals during school holidays. I think March is not a convenient month for this gathering. Besides that, the gathering was so inspiring. We had great discussions on various topics. We discussed a lot on leadership and marriage. Men were free to share their leadership and marriage experiences. One thing I like about discussions is that I hear many great different insights from others. One interesting discussion question was, Should one remarry when the other spouse gets insane/mad? There were so many views, opinions and suggestions. I don’t even clearly remember the conclusion.

We had Easter Holiday on the 3rd to 5th of April at Jambezi. Hwange, Victoria Falls and Jambezi Churches gathered together to celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had great lessons and sermons. Every time I deeply meditate upon the Lord’s suffering or watch Jesus’ Film I shed my tears. I always recommit my life to Jesus. It also makes me understand much better how deep and wide God’s love for the sinners. There were many people who rededicated their lives to Christ.

On the 9th to 12th of April our song composers had gathered together at Siachilaba. The purpose of this Music Festival is to promote good music in our Church services. God blessed us with 19 song composers. When they come together they teach each other tunes, to compose songs, share their experiences etc. They asked me to preach and interview the composers. We were interested in knowing how they compose songs and to know their goals. Their common goal is to get their songs recorded at studio and to have musical instruments, mainly key boards and speakers. We hope God will provide the funds needed for recordings and instruments. Our music has greatly improved in our worship services.

On the 12th of April I left Music Festival and proceeded to Mpati Church where I was invited to preach and have some talks. Mpati is an independent Church, by this I mean they are not affiliated to any Mission or working with any missionary. After Sunday service the leadership requested to join my mission. After finding out their background and doctrine I accepted them. This year our goal is to plant a couple of Churches when we resume our crusades.

There was a Youth Conference on the 22nd to 26th of April at Simatelele. They were about 200 youths. The conference was so inspiring and fruitful. 8 youths surrendered their lives to Christ and were baptized in the Zambezi river. We had a fear of crocodiles and hippos in the river. Before we baptized the converts we threw big stones to scare the crocodiles and hippos. Soon after baptism we saw a crocodile coming right at baptism spot. She was a loser because everyone was out of water. God’s power over demons was manifested. 10 demon-possessed ladies were set free in the name of our Lord. We had counseling sessions for these ladies. We strongly encouraged them to seriously indulge into spiritual disciplines. Demons have a tendency of coming back to re-occupy the person if nothing spiritual occupies the heart. Several youths were delivered from sicknesses and diseases.

Let me express my sincere thankfulness to brother Dave and his wife Judy for the fund raising to purchase heifers for me and other pastors. This dear couple raised $2600. I have so far purchased 6 heifers at $300 each. I still have to look for 2 more heifers. Cows are very important in Africa. They are sources of income, meat and milk for the families. They are also helpful for pulling ox carts and plowing in the fields. Cattle are African’s wealth! Thank you once more Dave and Juddy. As we see our cows, we will always remember you and your unconditional love. May God richly bless you.

Thank you all for your continued support. It helps me a lot to travel to many places to do God’s work and for my family’s living.

For those interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry please send your donations to:

Jim Fitch

29395 Sw Camelot St

Wilsonville, OR 97070



Your Co-worker in God’s Kingdom


Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.