Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
May report – 2017
May report – 2017

May report – 2017

Greetings to you all. I hope you are all well.
Attached is my May Report.
God bless you all.

2017 May Report
I had one of the most inspiring and fruitful Leadership Seminar on 23-27 May. I was teaching pastors and their wives on Spiritual Leadership Development. We concentrated much on prayer and Scripture meditation. Our first day was for prayer and fasting where we had a list of prayer requests. Also I had asked the leaders to pair up and share their personal prayer requests and praying for each other. I give glory to God who hears and answers His Children at His own timing. On our second day I taught on Scripture Meditation. Scripture meditation is uncommon spiritual discipline to most of my pastors just as it was uncommon practice to me before going to George Fox University. My prayer class with Dr. Marykate at GFU was very important in my spiritual prayer life. Now I enjoy meditating upon scriptures in my morning devotions. Most of the pastors and wives liked the lesson and enjoyed practicing meditating on Scriptures. On our fifth day we had discussions on upcoming August Annual Conference. We came up with the Theme, Topics and preachers. We will be having guest preachers from Zambia and Harare. On our last day my wife, Ellina distributed clothes to all the pastors’ wives which she bought at Flea Market. She is very passionate with the pastors’ wives’ welfare. I hope she will continue to bless them as our support continues.
After the seminar I proceeded to Manseme Church where I spent 6 days with the brothers and sisters in Christ. I was so happy to see God’s work growing up nicely. They are so determined and self-motivated to do God’s work. This Church has over hundred members. They have divided themselves into smaller prayer groups. Almost every day there is a prayer group at Church praying overnight. I had counseling sessions with many people. People have different problems in their relationships with God, families and Churches. I hope God will restore their good relationships and be able to walk in the newness of life. The brothers and sisters have been very generous to me. They gave me many gifts which I really appreciated.
I was so happy to find that the grinding mill was functioning very well. The villagers are so excited about it. It is a real blessing to them. People are paying maize instead of money for grinding maize or millet because of shortage of cash in the country. I will be selling maize and be able to buy diesel for the grinding mill to keep it running. The Health Technician Officer strictly advised me to construct a Blair toilet for customers or else the business will be closed. I bought bricks and hired a builder to start the construction.
For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry, please make your donations to:
Jill Hartzell: Email:
Good Neighbor Network
2445 SW Crestdale Dr
Portland, OR 97225.
In His Service, Alec.

Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.