Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
Newsletter Feb. 6, 2013
Newsletter Feb. 6, 2013

Newsletter Feb. 6, 2013

From the email archives

Newsletter on February 6, 2013 (no title)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” Eph 6:12.

Friends in Christ

It seems to me that each and every nation has got its own struggles. Demons and witchcraft are common in Africa. In January we struggled hard against evil spirits. Several women were demon-possessed in the Church. There are actually new converts. One of them always felt like going out into the forest and commit suicide. She attempted a couple of times. I and  the leadership were called to talk to her. After praying and fasting for extra power from God, the demon was cast out  and testified that they were 55 spirits of dead people living in her. Unbelievable!! We took her along with other women for counseling and encouraged them to be strong and committed Christians in Christ so that the demons could not re-possess them. Demons are real and can cause people to do many wild things. The good news is that if we abide in Christ and He in us, we are more than conquerors. 



Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.