Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
November report – 2017
November report – 2017

November report – 2017

I sincerely apologize for long time without attaching photos. I’m hoping to go to South Africa and buy the camera and other things. I hope I will be able to get a good one sometime in Harare.
Have a great month end

One of the ministries which seem to be neglected in some of the Churches is Children’s Ministry. They seem not see the importance and value of children in the Church. To neglect children in the Church is to neglect the future of the Church. The future of the Church lies in children. Children are the pastors, evangelists, elders, deacons of tomorrow; therefore we need to properly train our kids in the Lord so that they may grow in favor of God and man like Jesus. We are doing our very best in Hwange Church in supporting and promoting Children’s Ministry. We are so proud of the teacher because of her commitment and creativity in teaching children. This month the Church has been so blessed by the kids’ drama, Bible verse recitation and singing. I believe if the teacher would have teaching resources/materials such as bibles, books, pencils, crayons, bond papers, balls etc there would be greater impact in the lives of the children and Church as a whole.
Rejoice with us the Zimbabweans over a new second president after 37 years of Independence. Yesterday on 24 Nov 2017, we witnessed the inauguration of cde Emmerson D Mnagangwa as the second president of Zimbabwe. We are looking forward to the restoration of economy, employment, global relationships and many others. Thank you for your prayers over Zimbabwe for over years. God answered us unexpectedly. We were quite unaware. The military took initiative and finished the race.
For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry, please make your donations to:
Jill Hartzell: Email:
Good Neighbor Network
2445 SW Crestdale Dr
Portland, OR 97225.
In His Service

Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.