Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
November Report 2022
November Report 2022

November Report 2022

This November I and Ellina decided to visit and fellowship with the brothers and sisters at Dongamuse Church. We were received with a hearty welcome. It was good to see old and new faces. Seeing old members impressed me a lot because it signified that they are abiding in the Word of God while meeting new members meant that evangelism was done in the neighborhood. The Sunday service was conducted in a classroom. The classroom was almost full., only a small place was reserved for choir and dancing during singing choruses. As a Guest Speaker I was expected to be well presentable by putting on a suit. However, I regretted putting on a 3 piece suit because it was very hot that day. When I looked at the congregants who were singing and dancing, they were sweating and their clothes became wet. The Church doesn’t have modern musical instruments like keyboards. They play 3 drums bringing great melody to the singing. Everyone was really inspired with praise and worship service. I preached for 30 minutes. As I preached I heard a lot of “Amen and Hallelujah” from the audience. I assume they were blessed. When we were dismissed the elders and deacons presented to me some gifts from the congregation. I was so grateful to their gesture of love and kindness.

On a Monday I was joined by my family members to tour some of interesting places in Binga. We visited the Hot Springs. It was so amazing to see hot water springing from the  underground to about 2 meters high. To test the intensity of hot water, we took a plastic container and put it in the hot water, and it immediately got deformed. The water is very hot. The recent development on the site was channeling the water into a swimming pool. Now there’s a swimming pool of warm water. It is a good swimming pool especially in Winter season.

We proceeded to the Crocodile Farm. We had an opportunity to see crocodiles of different sizes. When crocodiles are lying on sand emotionlessly, one might think they’re dead or just big pieces of woods. Also they seem to be very decent yet very aggressive and cruel. We saw some with their mouths wide open for a long time and perhaps they were inhaling fresh air since it was hot. Some were exceptionally big and no wonder they attack cattle.

Lastly we had an opportunity to visit Binga Front Harbor where we saw different types and sizes of boats. We were so attracted to big and fancy boats. We couldn’t hesitate to ask the Captain for permission to get into the boat. He was kind  enough to let us in and show us the first and second floor. I personally liked the upper floor because I could vividly view the mighty Zambezi River. I hope to have a trip by a boat together with my family.

For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe Ministry, please make your donations to:

Jill Hartzell. Email:
Good Neighbor Network
2445 SW Crestdale Dr
Portland, OR 97225.

In His Service


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Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.