Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
September-October report 2019
September-October report 2019

September-October report 2019


I apologize for not giving you updates for the previous month. I have attached October Report.

I hope all of you are doing well. I and my family are doing pretty well. Some of my family members had stomach problems but as for now we are all fine.

Stay blessed


We had Leadership Seminar at Siachilaba Church commencing on 22 to 26 October. October Seminar is intended to be attended by all Pastors, Elders, Deacons and their wives. We had 32 leaders and the majority did not make it because of hunger and financial restriction. Bus fares are too high now here in Zimbabwe because of fuel prices which are ever increasing every week. We give glory to those the Lord enabled to board buses and those who sacrificed to walk long distances despite the heat wave. I realized that during my first lesson most leaders were sleeping because of unbearable heat. I changed the rest of the lessons into discussion. Everyone became awake and actively participated. The discussions on the leader and his Family, the Leader and his Call, the Leader and his Time, and the Leader and his Spiritual Life were so inspiring. I hope we are going to live exemplary life in all discussed topics and bring influence to the Churches we lead.

Drought continues to be a threat especially to wild and domestic animals as sources of water like dams and wells are drying. Some animals are falling in wells while others are getting stuck in muddy dams. There is no grass. Cattle are surviving on fallen dry leaves. We are having skinny cows and some are dying. Some people out of desperation are driving their cattle to the mountains for gazing but hyenas and lions are attacking them. Let us pray for early and adequate rains this year.

For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry, please make your donations to:

Jill Hartzell. Email:

Good Neighbor Network

2445 SW Crestdale Dr

Portland, OR 97225.

In His Service,


Featured image from

Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.