I hope you are all fine in the Lord. I and my family are doing well.
Am sorry for delaying to send you my report. Once more I apologize for not attaching photos. My camera is not functioning. When I press the shutter, it releases smoke. I need to buy a new one. I hope I will be able to buy a new one as soon as possible.
I am still very determined in the Lord to visit Churches. This March I visited Jambezi Church which is in a different District of Zimbabwe. When I made an announcement that I would be visiting Jambezi Church, the Hwange Church requested that they go with me. It turned out into a mini conference for two Churches for 4 days. It was so encouraging and uplifting in spirit to see how the elderly brothers and sisters in the Lord were so determined in their spiritual journey. It was my pleasure together with Hwange Church to encourage them to hold fast to their faith unswervingly. When I talked to the Pastor I learned that they are not doing mid-week services because they were still busy harvesting. I encouraged them to have Thursday service since Thursday is their traditional day for not working in the fields. I was happy that the suggestion was accepted with gladness. I was so sad to learn that one of the elders was unable to come to Church because of poverty. He does not have decent clothes for Sunday Service. We promised to buy him clothes so that he will continue to serve his Lord without public humiliation.
Jambezi District is just near Hwange National Park. Almost every year elephants cross the park into the villagers’ fields. I was a little bit scared as I drove through a narrow road. Immediately I saw fresh poo and small branches on the road. Immediately we heard elephants trumpeting. I didn’t know what exactly to do; to speed up or drive slowly.