Ministering the love of Christ to the people of Zambezi Valley and across Zimbabwe
August report – 2022
August report – 2022

August report – 2022

I hope this email finds you all well in Jesus’ name. I have attached my August Report and photos taken at the August conference.

Have a great week


We had one of wonderful August conferences at Sianzyundu Church commencing on 25 to 29. The conference was inspiring and fruitful. Six people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. They got baptized. There was great joy at the dam as the brethren celebrated their new life in Christ and welcoming them into the body of Christ. We were so encouraged in spirit through our main theme, “Standing Firm.” We felt moved to another level and felt prepared to stand firm in all aspects of life. We give glory to the Holy Spirit for His presence and giving utterance through our speakers. At this conference I committed myself much on counseling. Counseling is not easy. It requires someone with a gift of listening and wisdom from above. People have different hardships and problems in their personal lives, in marriages and Churches. In all hardships and difficulties God is the solution. There was also great joy in praising the Lord through singing and dancing. We had many different Church choirs presenting their songs. It was just fabulous! 355 brothers and sisters attended the conference. The rest were unable come to the conference because of financial constraints.

For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe ministry, please make your donations to:

Jill Hartzell. Email:

Good Neighbor Network

2445 SW Crestdale Dr

Portland, OR 97225.

In His Service, Alec

Leadership Conference is
October 24th through 29th.
This will be the last conference for 2022.