I had one of the most inspiring leadership seminars commencing on 24-28 October. In my leadership lessons I was encouraging pastors, elders, deacons and their wives to be visionary leaders in their Churches and helping them how to achieve their visions or goals through strategic planning. In fact I had divided the leaders into three groups. I gave them discussion questions or tasks to do and report back to other groups. They had profound insights which I think moved them to another level in their ministries. The lessons and discussions were just awesome. Everything seemed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. At the end of the conference, one old graduate said, “These lessons and discussions remind me of my golden days at Zimbabwe Christian College.” Another deacon’s wife echoed, “I am reminded of my Primary School education where I used to have fun with other kids. Everyone was blessed and excited, but the devil was not. On Thursday night there were too many scorpions around and we killed several of them. we felt uncomfortable since we slept on the open ground. At dawn, pastor Siante became a victim of a scorpion. He was courageous enough by not going to the Clinic for medical help. On Friday morning, there was unexpected strong wind which blew some of our towels and pairs of socks on the line. There was dust all over, even on our blankets. The ladies who were cooking left the fire place and ran to the shelter for safety. We resumed our lessons and discussions after the dust had settled down. I think it’s high time that we should build Church buildings to avoid all these inconveniences.

For all those who are interested in supporting Zimbabwe Ministry, please make your donations to:
Jill Hartzell. Email: hartzz1@comcast.net
Good Neighbor Network
2445 SW Crestdale Dr
Portland, OR 97225.
In His Service
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